Medical supplies needed for Lui Hospital

Our Lui Hospital urgently needs office supplies and all kinds of other materials that are normally found in a hospital, such as portable lamps for the delivery room in the changing room.

The requested medical devices and materials can significantly improve the quality of hospital care in Lui and will contribute to saving human lives. Management and staff of Lui Hospital have drawn up a list of items needed at Lui Hospital. Below is an overview of the most necessary materials.

Operating room lighting

Operating room lighting to provide doctors with optimal visibility during surgical procedures. It must be a ceiling lamp and it must have two arms. We have already made and attached an iron rod in our operating room to hang the operating lamp.

Operating table

An operating table, designed to also perform orthopedic surgery.

Portable operating lights (for dressing room and delivery room)

The above items are urgent as we currently do not have proper operating light, our operating bed is very old and collapsing, and we lack portable lights in the delivery room and dressing room.

List of necessary medical materials

  • Extraction equipment; it would be great to have one in the OT, one in the delivery room and one in each ward)
  • Some oxygen concentrators; it would be great to have at least one in every hospital ward);
  • Some defibrillators; it would be great to have one in every hospital building);
  • A C-arm digital X Ray portable machine;
  • Some stretchers;
  • Single monitors; for vital signs with a large number of adhesive leads (it would be great to have one monitor in each department for critically ill patients);
  • One ECG machine with many paper rolls;
  • One Ultra Sound machine with convex and linear probes;
  • Some mobile instrument stands;
  • Single stainless steel carts;
  • Some crutches;
  • Some stainless steel step buckets;
  • Metal cabinets for medicines, consumables and medical equipment;
  • Some instrument tables; one for OT, one for the delivery room and one for the dressing room.

If you work in a Western Hospital, or in a medical clinic, and your institution has these materials available, please contact us. Together we save the lives of the young people in South Sudan!

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